Preparatory course to the qualifying examination for truffle hunters Admin 2 July 2020 Uncategorized The exam date has been rescheduled for July 16, as you can see at this link: Exams for enabling truffle seekers – spring session The…… Condividi
Truffle hunting in the time of covid-19 Admin 5 May 2020 Uncategorized We live in a very difficult and confusing historical moment and the government’s measures, rightly or wrongly, do not go into detail about the many…… Condividi
NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS Admin 10 March 2020 Uncategorized In order to comply with the DPCM 9 March 2020 with urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency of COVID-19 we…… Condividi
Report on bismetilthymethane Admin 23 December 2019 Uncategorized The service of Raitre’s program “Report” on the use of bismetilthymethane in sauces and oils so-called “truffles”. Condividi Condividi